It is very very important that you read the prep tips, read the tips for immediately after you tan, and that you treat your tan with love and respect before you take your first shower; but in the event that the worst happens here are some tips to help you through your tanning emergencies.
- Do not panic! This is the worst thing you can do, it may cause you to sweat and we do not want that. Remain calm and read on…
- If you smudge your tan, get wet, or your pet licks you try taking a soft cloth, a sponge, or a makeup brush and blending the product out just like you would your liquid foundation
- If dry blending does not work try dampening your cloth or sponge ever so slightly; BUT remember water is the enemy of your airbrush tan so do not use very much, a small spritz will work just fine
- Lastly keep in mind that the ingredient that is in that tanning solution that gives you your lasting color, DHA, is clear. The instant color you see is just a bronzer and that will wash off with your first shower. There have been times that our clients are expecting the worst, but when they shower in the morning everything is fine. Of course, this is not the case with all tanning emergencies but it is something to keep in mind
While these are tips to help you recover from a tanning emergency we hope you never have to use them. Please try not to get wet or sweat for at least four to eight hours after you tan, and please be good to your airbrush tan. For more tips on what not to do see our Tan Tips page
Spray Tanning in San Dimas